$ cp -rv /share/apps/samples/abaqus-parallel ./
Your job file should look similar to the following
#PBS -N run_abaqus_demo
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=00:60:00
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M joeminer@mst.edu
#PBS -q @nic-cluster.mst.edu
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# change to working directory
# get true node count
np=$(cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l)
# generate abaqus node list
# Set Analysis input files
#(only the file name without file extension),
# e.g. for abaqus_demo.inp
# -- start abaqus on np processors
abaqus job=$input analysis cpus=$np interactive
Put Abaqus data and input files in the directory with the job file. If you copied the sample the sample input and data files are already there.
$ qsub abaqus_parallel.job
The command line output of the abaqus parallel run will be in run_abaqus_demo.o######
You will see a screen shot slide show of this example to the right. You can maually page through the example using the dots below the pictures.