After logging into the cluster copy the sample code.
You can then feel free to edit the job file using the editor of your choice. I chose nano by typing "nano abaqus_ser.job"
This is what my final jobfile looks like.
I then submit the job to the cluster using qsub.
I wait for the job to complete and check my results.

Abaqus Serial Batch Job

Copy the Sample Code

 $ cp -rv /share/apps/samples/abaqus-serial ./ 

Or Create your own abaqus_ser.job

Your job file should look similar to the following

#PBS -N run_abaqus_demo
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -l walltime=00:60:00
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -q
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# change to working directory

# Set Analysis input files
#(only the file name without file extension),
# e.g. for abaqus_demo.inp

# -- start abaqus
abaqus job=$input analysis cpus=1 interactive

Create Abaqus input files

Put Abaqus data and input files in the directory with the job file. If you copied the sample the sample input and data files are already there.

Launch the Abaqus Parallel Job

$ qsub abaqus_ser.job

View your results

The command line output of the abaqus parallel run will be in run_abaqus_demo.o######

Screen Shot Tutorial

You will see a screen shot slide show of this example to the right.  You can maually page through the example using the dots below the pictures.